

Hydrogen Production and Filtration

Our brochure covers various methods of hydrogen production, including:

  • Grey Hydrogen: Produced from natural gas or methane reforming.
  • Green Hydrogen: Produced via electrolysis using renewable energy.
  • Blue Hydrogen: Similar to grey hydrogen but with carbon capture and storage.
  • Cyan Hydrogen: Derived from biomass and other renewable sources.

For each type of hydrogen, we provide specialized filtration systems that address the specific impurities and by-products. Our systems are designed for minimal maintenance and high efficiency.

Hydrogen Utilization

The brochure also explores how hydrogen can be used in power generation and industrial applications:

  • Hydrogen Power Generation: Detailed processes for using hydrogen in turbines and fuel cells.
  • Hydrogen Reduction in Steelmaking: Innovative methods to reduce CO2 emissions by using hydrogen instead of coke.
  • Hydrogen Stations for Fuel Cell Vehicles: On-site solutions for fueling hydrogen-powered vehicles, promoting decarbonization in the transport sector.

Advanced Filtration Systems

We offer tailored filtration solutions, including:

  • Coalescer Gas-Liquid Systems: Custom-made systems for separating liquids and solids from gases.
  • Cartridge Filter Housings: Designed for both liquids and gases, compliant with international standards.
  • Membrane Purification: Utilizing palladium-alloy membranes for ultra-high purity hydrogen.

Carbon Capture and Storage

Our expertise extends to carbon capture technologies, essential for blue hydrogen production. We use amine-based absorption methods to effectively capture and store CO2.